Happy 112th Birthday + “The Mush”

Nash + Dr. Denmark | July '08

Happy 112th Birthday Dr. Leila Denmark!

Today is the 112th birthday of one of my heroes, Dr. Denmark. You read that right…112 years young! When I was pregnant for Nash I began researching and reading books on how to do this parenting thing. I was confused and frustrated with all the different schools of thought on how to care for your newborn…they all seemed to contradict one another and I didn’t have a peace about following any of their suggested routines. Living in Georgia I began hearing other moms mention stories about Dr. Denmark who practiced medicine here for over 75 years and saw more than 250,000 children! I was intrigued. After reading all the articles, books and resources I could get my hands on about Dr. Denmark I was confident that this was the parenting path for my family. Nash thrived on Dr. Denmark’s wisdom and feeding/sleeping routine…as did Bryson and I! Even now with baby Evyn we are beginning to implement her schedule and it is already improving her sleep routine, eating, and overall schedule. It has given us such a peace and a freedom in knowing how to care for our precious kids and keep them healthy, well fed & rested, and strong.  I know her ways are not for everyone, but we LOVE Dr. Denmark. Without her wisdom and methods, I’m sure I would be a crazy mama! 🙂

Meeting Dr. Denmark!


In honor of Dr. Denmark’s birthday I wanted to share her “mush” recipie that I feed to my babies. It’s super easy to make and healthy + hardy. Evyn gobbles it up!

  • 3 TBSP protein (I use Black Eyed Peas)
  • 3 TBSP Banana
  • 2 TBSP fruit (I use unsweetened applesauce)
  • 3 TBSP Rice Cereal
  • 3 TBSP veggie (added at lunch and dinner only)

Evyn eats this mush 3 meals a day (adding in veggies at lunch and dinner). I make 21 containers of “the base” (black eyed peas, applesauce, and bananas) each week and freeze it so that meal time is a breeze.



[The book I recommend if you are interested in learning about Dr. Denmark’s method is “Dr.Denmark Said It” by Madia Bowman. Also, check out this local article about her 112th Birthday!]

10 thoughts on “Happy 112th Birthday + “The Mush”

  1. hi. My name is Erin Clegg and you don’t know me at all so I hope this isn’t creepy. 🙂 I met your husband once a very long time ago on a plane. I was headed to see my sister in Florida. We spoke about religion and I was so impressed with your dedication and devotion to the Lord. I am LDS/Mormon. anyway, somehow I got your blog in the process and I have checked it sporatically since that time. I have been particularly interested in your adoption process because my sister (who I am very close to) found out she can not have children and is picking up her baby in a week! Anyway, I just wanted to say how beautiful your family is and how much I have appreciated your thoughts on adoption and motherhood. I will check Dr. Denmark out! 🙂 (I have two boys ages 3 and 1). Good luck with everything!

    • Hey Erin! Yes, I remember you! Glad to hear all is well. Thanks so much for checking our website and keeping up with us. That is so exciting about your sister adopting a baby. Congrats! Thanks again for stopping by!

  2. Emily, I also grappled with the same issues in the 70s and 80s. That is why I made so very much from scratch, used the co-op, etc. Liv’s illness made it so necessary, but for a large part with canning and buying the basics much can be accomplished. Instead a processed chicken nuggets, make your own from chicken and dip pieces into a home-made coating. Just a thought. Love, Mom

    • mom! I LOVE that you commented on my blog. That made my night! Thanks for the advice + wisdom. I told myself today that I wished I would have paid more attention to learning how to can! 🙂 I’ll work on the chicken nugget thing. Love you.

  3. Hi! I live in AZ and heard about Dr. Denmark from a college friend in GA. I would like to make the mush for our son can you answer a few questions? How old did you start feeding this? When do you add the cereal? Do they eat all of it? It seems like so much food. Thanks so much for the links. I’ll need to order her book today.

  4. I have LOVED making this recipe and it has not only made my life easier but it’s also wonderful to know my baby is getting a well-balanced meal! Thanks for sharing this! I just linked to you today…

  5. So glad to know that there are so many other moms out there that did “The Mush” too! It does look like a very large amount but my son could not get enough of it, we were scraping the bowls clean! I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Denmark when my son was 7 months old, he’ll be 8 in July. Now if they only had “The Mush” for a picky eater like my son. I feel so blessed that I was able to have met her, she is an amazing woman! During my time with her she told me that we were the only one’s that needed a book to raise our children, it’s really just plain common sense.

  6. Emily- I did a search for baby mush and ur blog can up 3rd on the list. How about that. So I thought that u put avocado in ur mush. Been making the boys food. Miss you!!

  7. In 2014, with 116 YEARS IS THE WORLD’S OLDEST PERSON IN OCTOBER 2020 WILL OVERCOME A Jeanne Calment the oldest person ever, and died in the year 2028, with 130 YEARS ALREADY STARTED 100 YEARS OF MEDICAL CAREER.

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