My style…

Anyone else out there addicted to Pinterest? I was obsessed for about 2 weeks but, thankfully my infatuation has died down a bit over the past few weeks and I am not as tempted to “pin” away all my free time. If you don’t know what Pinterest is, it’s an online bulletin board where you can post pictures/ideas/recipes/anything you like from any website and it keeps it all organized for you. It’s all about your style, finding cool things other people are doing and “pinning” them to one of your boards. It’s a brilliant concept…and really fun! ANYWAY…it hit me after 2 weeks of “pinning” really cool stuff that other people are doing, that, “why am I just sitting on my butt, starring at my computer screen and looking at all the cool ideas other people are doing? I’m cool (not really, but I was just giving myself a pep talk trying to convince myself that I was cool). I should DO something cool.”

So I set out to create some cool decor for my real world.

I needed something special in Meyer’s room and so I created this (i think it looks better in real life, but i could not get my camera to cooperate)…

I created this mobile over her crib made with branches I found outside. I cut and glued assorted shades of green leaves onto the tips of the branches then hung paper flowers from Hobby Lobby from the limbs. It looks really adorable and I was so pleased with how it turned out.

I have a thing for branches. I love love love how they look inside a house. I love repurposing something that most people look at as trash and work into my home decor style. Branches are part of my style. I could have a whole Pinterest page just dedicated with branch decor. 🙂

My box + branches...this has been used in every house for the past 8 years! My husband always makes me throw away the branches when we move...but then I always make him go hunt for some new ones when we arrive at our new house. He loves that.

Nothing is more homey to me than a branch wreath. Love the simplicity of it.

So that’s a little snapshot of “my style”! Whatcha think?

5 thoughts on “My style…

  1. omg, I LOVE this post. you are so right. people should realize how cool they are and go do cool things themselves! those decorations look amazing! i love the flower branch mobile thing so much it’s beautiful!
    YOU are so cool.
    … i mean, people are already wanting to pin your stuff. 🙂

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